Author: admin

Sports offered

Artistic Swimming, Athletics, Biathlon, Chess, Cricket (Boys & Girls), Cross-Country,Golf

Hockey (Boys & Girls), Netball, Rugby, Squash, Dance Sport, First Aid, Cycling

Swimming, Tennis, Waterpolo (Boys & Girls)

Artistic Swimming Report 2019

The East Cape Schools Championship took place on the 23rd of February at Pearson High School. It was decided to split the Level 1 Section into an intermediate and a novice section. All swimmers who had competed twice at a Level 1 competition already, were moved up to an intermediate level. Pearson once again took top honours in the high school section in a closely contested competition.


Pearson competitors that appeared in the top five were as follows:


EC Advanced High School

1st          Kirsten-Mari Swanevelder

2nd        Liyema Prince


SSA Level 1 (Intermediate 13-18 High School)

2nd        Daniella Pedrosa -Rodriguez

3rd         Naledi Ntloko

4th         Jodi Crockett

5th         Tenielle Pengelly


SSA Level 1 (Novices 13-18 High School)

1st          Alycia Roux

2nd        Erin Muller

3rd         Lize Heather

4th         Nikita Kruger

5th         Erin Stewart


We were thrilled to enter four trios into the routine competition where two trios placed in the top three:


2nd Liyema Prince Kirsten-Mari Swanevelder Nikita Kruger 3rd Daniella Pedrosa-Rodriguez Tenielle Pengelly Jodie Crockett

At the South African Level 3 competition held in Cape Town in March Kirsten-Mari Swanevelder finished 8th in figures and 3rd in duets in the 13-15 age group. At the same competition Liyema Prince achieved a 4th in figures and a 1st in solos in the Junior Section. Liyema and Kirsten combined their skills with another swimmer from the Eastern Cape and competed in the 13-18 trio section where they claimed the gold. Pearson is very proud of both of these girls.

Thank you to the experienced coaches Mieke Struwig, Nina Smith and Mrs Moira Norden who ensure that the girls are coached at the highest level and that Pearson artistic synchro continues to thrive.


Artistic Swimming, Athletics, Biathlon, Chess, Cricket (Boys & Girls), Cross-Country,Golf

Hockey (Boys & Girls), Netball, Rugby, Squash, Dance Sport, First Aid, Cycling

Swimming, Tennis, Waterpolo (Boys & Girls)

Artistic Swimming Report 2019

The East Cape Schools Championship took place on the 23rd of February at Pearson High School. It was decided to split the Level 1 Section into an intermediate and a novice section. All swimmers who had competed twice at a Level 1 competition already, were moved up to an intermediate level. Pearson once again took top honours in the high school section in a closely contested competition.


Pearson competitors that appeared in the top five were as follows:


EC Advanced High School

1st          Kirsten-Mari Swanevelder

2nd        Liyema Prince


SSA Level 1 (Intermediate 13-18 High School)

2nd        Daniella Pedrosa -Rodriguez

3rd         Naledi Ntloko

4th         Jodi Crockett

5th         Tenielle Pengelly


SSA Level 1 (Novices 13-18 High School)

1st          Alycia Roux

2nd        Erin Muller

3rd         Lize Heather

4th         Nikita Kruger

5th         Erin Stewart


We were thrilled to enter four trios into the routine competition where two trios placed in the top three:


2nd Liyema Prince Kirsten-Mari Swanevelder Nikita Kruger 3rd Daniella Pedrosa-Rodriguez Tenielle Pengelly Jodie Crockett

At the South African Level 3 competition held in Cape Town in March Kirsten-Mari Swanevelder finished 8th in figures and 3rd in duets in the 13-15 age group. At the same competition Liyema Prince achieved a 4th in figures and a 1st in solos in the Junior Section. Liyema and Kirsten combined their skills with another swimmer from the Eastern Cape and competed in the 13-18 trio section where they claimed the gold. Pearson is very proud of both of these girls.

Thank you to the experienced coaches Mieke Struwig, Nina Smith and Mrs Moira Norden who ensure that the girls are coached at the highest level and that Pearson artistic synchro continues to thrive.


Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct
Respect for authority
Respect for others
Respect for self
Respect for property
Regular attendance
Preparation for classes

Respek vir gesag
Respek vir ander
Respek vir eiendom
Gereelde bywoning
Voorbereiding vir klasse

Code of Conduct
Respect for authority
Respect for others
Respect for self
Respect for property
Regular attendance
Preparation for classes

Respek vir gesag
Respek vir ander
Respek vir eiendom
Gereelde bywoning
Voorbereiding vir klasse

Best Essays

November 2019

June 2019